
Write a concise clear and well edited report of no more

Assessment: Individual Business Report

Geronimo Pty Ltd is an Australian-owned confectionary company that manufactures premium chocolates and sweets. The New South Wales-based company was established 18 years ago and is in the business of supplying premium confectionary to large supermarkets Australia-wide. The company is currently in the process of growing internationally with their products already being offered in some parts of Europe. Consequently, the company is now exploring the feasibility of expanding their operations to Portugal.

Given that this is a new venture into unchartered territory, Geronimo Pty Ltd is seeking your assistance as a management consultant to advise them on the political, economic, socio-cultural, technological and legal environment (PESTL) of Portugal.
You are required to:

1. Write a concise, clear and well edited report of no more than 1,500 words outlining the external environment (PESTL) of Portugal.

2. conduct a SWOT analysis of the external environment (PESTL)

3. present recommendations based on the SWOT analysis

You are strongly encouraged to access the following documents that are uploaded in the ‘Assignment 1 Individual Report Folder'

a) Individual report structure
b) Chicago 16th edition referencing guide

The report must include the following sections:

• Title page
• Table of contents
• Executive summary
• Introduction,
• Discussion:

a) PESTL Analysis

o Political Environment,
o Economic Environment,
o Socio-cultural Environment,
o Technological Environment,
o Legal Environment,
o SWOT Analysis

• Conclusion

• Recommendations
• Reference list

All sections except the title page, table of contents, executive summary and reference list are included in the 1,500 word count. You are allowed a leeway of 10% with the word count (over by 10% > 1650 words or under by 10% > 1350 words). Students will be penalised 10% of their overall mark for not complying with the word restrictions.

3 recommendations CHOSE ONE

Yes invest
Do not invest
Not now, wait till the economy is better.

Attachment:- Individual-Report-Structure.rar

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Business Management: Write a concise clear and well edited report of no more
Reference No:- TGS02540426

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