Temperature Conversion
Task: Write a computer program that will change a Fahrenheit temperature to Celsius. Write two versions of the program, one in Java and one in C++.
Input: The temperature in Fahrenheit degrees, provided interactively by the user. The input value will be a real number.
Output: Display the Fahrenheit input temperature and the corresponding Celsius temperature, also a real number. The results may be displayed on the screen. Provide a simple message to explain the output (i.e., one sentence). At least the Java output should be formatted neatly, with one decimal position displayed in the numbers.
Sample output: 212.0 degrees Fahrenheit = 100.0 degrees Celsius.
Include at least some documentation in this simple program.
Initial comments at the beginning of each file should provide the program name, your name, and a simple statement of what the program does.
Include one other comment somewhere in each program, either in-line or on a separate line.
Include a meaningful prompt for the user.
To avoid doing data conversions or losing data through integer truncations, use only real numbers in the calculations. A number constant will be treated as a real number if you include a decimal point and a trailing 0.
Submissions: Submit an electronic copy of the of your algorithm fist in the D2L dropbox. Due date is listed above. Then submit the two source code files in the D2L dropbox. Due date is listed above. Algorithm is worth 6 points. Each program is worth 7 points. Include your initials at the beginning of the name of any program submission.