
Write a complete java program a java class with the main

Task 1

Suppose you are commissioned by the Australian Football Association (AFL) to write a program designed to produce statistics based on complete scores recorded in a season. These scores are kept in a file called aft.txt (available on interact resources). You are also given the following information about a football season:
- League consists of 18 football teams
- There are 22 rounds in each season
- In each round teams play against each other and the score of each team is recorded as an integer and kept in the text file referred to above (aft.txt)

Your task is to write a complete java program (a java class with the main method) called Process Scores, which will read the scores from the text file provided, store the scores in an array of integers and then using a number of independent static methods, calculate and display the required statistics relating the afl scores.

The Java class you are required to author will contain the following static methods:
- lowest will take the array of scores as an argument and return the lowest score in the season
- highest will take the array of scores as an argument and return the highest score in the season
- range will take the array of scores as an argument and return the difference between the highest score and the lowest score in the season
- average will take the array of scores as an argument and return the average of all scores in the season
- median will take the array of scores as an argument and return the median score in the season
- mode will take the array of scores as an argument and return the mode of the scores in the season Note that all of the methods described above, should be static methods; user defined methods (you have the write the definition of each yourself); and completely independent of each other (you should not invoke anyone of them within the other method definition). Also, the original array of scores should not be modified by any of the methods.
Ensure that the program is appropriately documented throughout and thoroughly tested to demonstrate its correct operation.
You need to submit java and class files, a short discussion to explain the logic on how the problem has been solved, and sample output (for detail please see marking criteria and presentation below).

Task 2
Design a class named Light to represent a conference hall light. The class contains:
- Three constants named LOW, MEDIUM, and HIGH with the values 1, 2, and 3 to denote the light brightness.
- A private int data field named brightness that specifies the brightness of the light having a default value of LOW.
- A private boolean data field named on that specifies whether the light is on or off having a default value of false.
- A string data field named color that specifies the color of the light having a default value of red.
- The accessor and mutator methods for all three data fields.
- A no-arg/default constructor that creates a default light.
- A method named toString() that returns a string description for the light. If the light is on, the method returns the fan brightness and color in one combined string. If the light is not on, the method returns the fan color along with the string "light is off' in one combined string.
- Draw the UML diagram for the class and then implement the class.
- Write a test program TestLight that creates two Light objects. Assign high brightness, color yellow, and turn it on to the first object. Assign medium brightness, color blue, and turn it off to the second object. Display the objects by invoking their respective toString methods.

Ensure that the program is appropriately documented throughout and thoroughly tested to demonstrate its correct operation.
You need to submit java and class files, a short discussion to explain the logic on how the problem has been solved, UML diagram, and sample output (for detail please see marking criteria and presentation below).

This assignment has been designed to allow students to test and demonstrate their ability to:
- interpret design requirements expressed in Unified Modelling Language (UML) (learning outcome 2);
- use object-oriented techniques and Java resources to develop small applications consisting of a number of classes (learning outcome 5);
- apply basic testing and debugging techniques in program development (learning outcome 6);
- implement algorithms in Java (learning outcome 1);

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JAVA Programming: Write a complete java program a java class with the main
Reference No:- TGS02753289

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