
Write a compelling summary that promotes the possible

Follow up Assignment : Organizational Development

The last phase of the simulation project is to plan for development of the organization as a whole. Here you'll focus on the processes that build, strengthen and maintain the internal workings of the organization.

These processes are the onboarding of new employees, strengthening teamwork skills, and the development of leaders within the organization.

You will write a summary of the new employee orientation process, develop plans for internal teamwork skills workshop, and identify the external leadership development training for your emerging leaders.

This challenge will be important because it represents the long term investment in the success of your non-profit division. Grant proposal because staffing represents a major expenditure for any organization.

Just like the first two challenges, the more thorough and precise you are in completing this task, the more likely you are to secure funds.

Make sure to write a compelling summary that promotes the possible impact while also providing objective information as support.

Please submit a 2-3 page Executive Summary detailing the following:

• New employee onboarding for your division, which details:

o Realistic Job Preview

o New Employee Orientation

o Workplace Socialization

• Team Development:

o Essential Teamwork Skills

o Team Development Workshop & Training (I day, administered internally)

o Teamwork Assessment and Evaluation

• Leadership Development:

o Essential Leadership Skills

o Leadership Development & Training (Multiple Days, External Training Center)

o Leadership Assessment and Evaluation

• List of Assumptions

Additionally, organize and submit supporting documents must be included in appendices (labeled Appendix A - Appendix F) after your summary.

These documents will provide support for your organizational development plan. Make sure to provide enough supporting documentation in the appendices so the explanations in the summary are clear. Make sure to use outside publications that help build your staffing plan. .

The formatting requirements are as follows:

• Single-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman Font, with 1" margins

• Use full sentences and paragraphs, be well-written and organized

• Use section headings, which must be bolded and in 12-point font

• The entire submission should be in one document.

• The Executive Summary, Index of Appendices as well as each Appendix should start at the top of its own page (hint: utilize page breaks).

• Original work is required; cite sources, if applicable, in APA format.

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Operation Management: Write a compelling summary that promotes the possible
Reference No:- TGS02722551

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