Write a comparison of motivational theories

Homework 1: Training with Impact- Organizational Training & Development

Imagine that your training plans are not yielding the expected results in learning according to the data that you've analyzed. There has been discussion with the leadership team about issues with employees not being motivated to learn, and employee surveys have confirmed that employees are not sufficiently motivated. Your team has been asked by the HR Director to investigate what may be causing the lack of motivation. Your investigation should consider barriers to learning, motivational theories, and alternatives for enhancing employee motivation.

Create a report of at least 700 words that summarizes various motivational theories.

Write a report that includes the following components:

o A comparison of motivational theories

o Alternatives that should be considered to enhance learner motivation

o The impact on self-efficacy on learning

o Recommendations for improving motivation for learning

o Data that you will collect to determine whether or not your recommendations are having a positive effect upon employee motivation

o Strategies for enhancing the retention of learning

o Post-implementation surveys and analysis to determine the effectiveness of training on motivation

Homework 2: Change Management Report

Imagine a small manufacturing company that is shifting its direction in light of changes in the competitive environment in which it operates. Training will be deployed to ensure that employees have required skills that align with the new strategic direction. Change management is critical to ensure organizational alignment. However, the company has experienced two-fold resistance to the new direction. First, employees are unclear on the need for change; and second, the training department has shown resistance to using organizational development skills to resolve employee resistance issues.

Create a report that summarizes the change management process.

Write a report of 950 to 1200 words that includes the following components:

o Strategies for aligning training with the new strategic direction

o Recommended processes that should be used to align employee training with the new business strategies

o Organizational development skills required to be effective in training program development and delivery

o The steps that should be employed to support change management within the organization

o Legal considerations related to organizational development and change management that should be considered during this transition

o A summary of how employee resistance and change management effectiveness will be assessed during the transition

Format your homework according to the following formatting requirements:

o The answer should be typed, using Times New Roman font (size 12), double spaced, with one-inch margins on all sides.

o The response also includes a cover page containing the title of the homework, the student's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

o Also include a reference page. The Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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HR Management: Write a comparison of motivational theories
Reference No:- TGS03114342

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