
Write a comment on my classmates discussion but on this


Write a comment on my classmate's discussion. But on this discussion, I'm pro union he is not. I need at least at least a 300-word comment on why union is better

Are unions good or bad for America?

Bobby posted,

After conducting research on unions and understanding the purpose, vision, and mission, are unions good or bad for America can be a difficult question to answer. I have come to the conclusion that unions are bad for America today.

Why unions were good for earlier America; they protected employees from employers exploiting workers and improved the working conditions for employees when people had very few rights. This is not the case in America today.

Leaders of unions should be advocating for their members, instead unions are influence by political motivates and their own priorities. I would argue unions are not fighting on behalf of all workers if all workers have no real job or pension security. Balance is critical for unions to be successful on behalf of the unions, employers and employees. For example in order for pension benefits to be successful they have to be sustainable long term. I believe unions have stifled our teacher's creativity, work ethic, and passion. When educators are not held accountable for performance and results our future pays the price. Anytime any organization or company goes bankrupt because of union demands for higher pay, this puts an extensive tax burden on Americans. I would rather have a job that can continue to pay me in order to provide for my family than not have a job at all.

Union membership is dwindling has been on the decline since the late 1970's because union leaders for a very long time have lost their purpose and do not have the best interest of workers in America. According to Raymond Hogler (2016) In 1980, union membership density stood at 23 percent of the work force; some 40 years later, just over 11 percent of American workers belong to unions. During the same period, wealth inequality in the U.S. continued to accelerate largely on a social class basis.


New Republic. (2016, November 30). What's Behind the Decline of American Unions?

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