You need at least a 75-word comment on my class mate's discussion post.
Emails are a good way to communicate with one another. Its fast, effective, and easy to use for anyone with basic computer knowledge. Even though emails are a good communication tool, it also is a way to misread someones intentions. I used to work as dispatcher of trucks at a fairly large company in California where our boss would communicate with his employees through email. Our boss was the type of person to use slang words and shortened versions of words to type faster. this lead to a lot of miscommunication through out the work space. For example my boss emailed me about a broker that needed to pay for our truck delivering and what he said was, "Need $ 4 trucks to get $ b4 april comes call broker".
This was really confusing at the time so when i asked my boss what he meant by the email he said he would let me know after lunch. After lunch he storms into my work space and starts to speak angrily to me about how i didn't follow his orders. I told him that i didn't understand because his lack of clear wording and accurate use of punctuation would have helped me in the end. Email robs us of this information, and this means that we can't tell when people have misunderstood our messages (Manktelow & Carlson, 2015). In the end my advice did nothing for my boss as he continues to write very misunderstanding messages.