
Write a class named player that stores a players name and

Programming Assignment

This assignment will give you practice with classes, methods, and arrays.

Part 1: Player Class
Write a class named Player that stores a player's name and the player's high score. A player is described by:
- player's name
- player's high score
In your class, include:
- instance data variables
- two constructors
- getters and setters
- include appropriate value checks when applicable
- a toString method

Part 2: PlayersList Class
Write a class that manages a list of up to 10 players and their high scores. Create a single array of type Player that stores the players' names and scores.
In your class, include:
- a single array of type Player to hold player name and score.
- a constructor
Your class should support the following features:
- Add a new player and score (up to 10 players). method header: public void addPlayer()
- Print all the players' names and their scores to the screen. method header: public void printPlayers()
- Allow the user to enter a player's name and output that player's score or a message if that
player's name has not been entered.
method header: public void lookupPlayer()
- You can include additional instance data variables if it is helpful. If you include additional variables, include additional getters and setters as appropriate.
- I have provided a driver program ScoreManagementSystem.java you can use to test your code and sample output.Score Management System Choose:
A)dd new player P)rint all players
L)ookup a player's score Q)uit

Enter name: Alexander Enter score: 300

Score Management System Choose:
A)dd new player P)rint all players
L)ookup a player's score Q)uit

Enter name: Michael Enter score: 200

Score Management System Choose:
A)dd new player P)rint all players
L)ookup a player's score Q)uit

Score Name
300 Alexander
200 Michael
Score Management System Choose:
A)dd new player P)rint all players
L)ookup a player's score Q)uit

Enter name to look up.
Name not found.

Score Management System Choose:
A)dd new player
P)rint all players
L)ookup a player's score

Score Name
300 Alexander
200 Michael
Score Management System Choose:
A)dd new player P)rint all players
L)ookup a player's score Q)uit

Enter name to look up. Michael

Michael's score = 200

Score Management System Choose:
A)dd new player P)rint all players
L) ookup a player's score Q)uit
Submission Instructions
- Execute the program and copy/paste the output that is produced by your program into the bottom of the source code file, making it into a comment. I will run the programs myself to see the output.
- Make sure the run "matches" your source. If the run you submit could not have come from the source you submit, it will be graded as if you did not hand in a run.
- Use the Assignment Submission link to submit the source code file.
- Submit the following files:
o Player.java
o PlayersList.java
o ScoreManagementSystem.java

Attachment:- ScoreManagementSystem.rar

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JAVA Programming: Write a class named player that stores a players name and
Reference No:- TGS02384134

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