Program- Write a class encapsulating the concept of the weather forecast, assuming that it has the given attributes: the temperature and the sky conditions, which could be sunny, snowy, cloudy, or rainy.
Include a default constructor, an overloaded constructor, the accessors and mutators, and methods, toString() and equals().
Temperature, in Fahrenheit, should be between -50 and +150; the default value is 70, if needed. The default sky condition is sunny.
Add a method that converts Fahrenheit to Celsius. Celsius temperature = (Fahrenheit temperature - 32) * 5/9.
Also add a method that checks whether the weather attributes are consistent (there are two cases where they are not consistent:
when the temperature is below 32 and it is not snowy, and when the temperature is above 100 and it is not sunny). Write a client class to test all the methods in your class.