
Write a class called set to represent a set as an arraylist


It is required to develop an application in Java to represent Set as a data structure using Java built-in class ArrayList.

(A) Write a class called Set to represent a set as an ArrayList and implement various set operations by using methods of class ArrayList. Assume that the elements of the set are integers.

This class will have the following instance variables: (a) an ArrayList object called list of type Integer, (b) length: the actual number of elements in the list.

This class will have thefollowing methods:

(1) Constructor without any parameter (default constructor), which uses a default value of 10 as capacity, creates ArrayListobjectlistand initializes length to 0.

(2) Constructor with parameter cap for capacity of the list. Create ArrayListobjectlistof capacity equal to parametercap and initialize length to 0.

(3) Constructor having an array of integers arras parameter. Create ArrayListobjectlist. Add theelementsof the array arrin the list. and initialize length to the length of the array arr.

(4) Instance method getLength, that returns length.

(5) Instance method isEmpty to determine whether the set is empty or not.

(6) Instance method addElement that accepts a parameter element of type int. It will insert the element in the list at the end and also increment length by one.

(7) Instance method isMember that accepts a parameter element of type int. If element exists in the list, it will return true, else it will return false.

(8) Instance method subSetthat accepts a parameteraSetof typeSet. If aSet is a subset of "this object", it will return true, else it will return false.

Ex: Let A and B be two sets;

A = {7, 4, 20, 15, 12}, B = {12, 15}. As all elements of B are contained in A, therefore, B is a subset of A.

(9) Instance method isEqualthat accepts a parameteraSetof typeSet. The method will return true, if aSet is equal to "this object", else it will return false. Two sets are equal, if they contain the same elements in any order.

Ex: Let A and B be two sets;

A = {7, 4, 20, 15, 12}, B = {4, 7, 12, 15, 20}. As sets A and B contain same elements, but in different order, therefore, they are equal.

(10) Instance method union having a parameter aSetof typeSet. The method finds the union of aSet with "this object" and returns the result as an object of type Set.

Ex: Let A = {10, 4, 20, 15, 12, 18}, B = {8, 10, 25, 15, 20},

C = A ∪ B = {10, 4, 20, 15, 12, 18, 8, 25}

(11) Instance method intersection having a parameter aSetof typeSet. The method finds the intersection of aSet with "this object" and returns the result as an object of type Set.

Ex: Let A = {10, 4, 20, 15, 12, 18}, B = {8, 10, 25, 15, 20},

C = A ∩ B = {10, 20, 15}.

(B) Write a class called SetApplication having only main method. Create objects of class type Setusing different constructors and call methods of class Set to test all functionalities of class Set.

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JAVA Programming: Write a class called set to represent a set as an arraylist
Reference No:- TGS02737820

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