Write a class (and a client class to test it) that encapsulates a deck of cards. A deck of cards is made up of 52 cards. You should have three instance variables:
-a two-dimensional array of values representing the cards
-a single-dimensional arrary describing the suit: spades, hearts, diamonds, and clubs
-an instance variable representing the trump suit
For the two-dimensional array, dimension 1 represents the suit and dimension 2 represents the type of card (ace, two, three...,jack, queen, king). Your constructor should take one parameter, which will represent the suit of the trump. Based on that , the cards should be given the follwoing values:
-Non-trump for 2 to 10: 1 point
-Non-trump jack = 2
-Non-trump queen = 3
-Non-trump king = 4
-Non-trump ace = 5
-Any trump card = Non-trump value +1
You should include the following methods:
-a method returning the trump suit, by name
-a method printing the whole deck of cards, suit by suit, with the value for each card
-a method taking a String as a parameter representing a suit, and returning the total value of the cards of that suit.