
Write a calculator program for integer numbers in java the

Java Programming

1. Purpose of the programming: [Integer calculator Program based on GUI]

• You will write a calculator program for integer numbers for this homework

• The calculator should be able to do addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division for integer numbers.

• The calculator will receive an equation composed of +, *, /, and several integers through GUI, and its result is outputted over the GUI.

2. Requirements of inputs

• Possible operators are addition(+), subtraction(-), multiplication(*), and division(/). And, parentheses ('(',')') is also possible.

• Integers as operands should be positive. Negative integer can be represented in the form of (0 - positive number ). For example, -4 is represented as (0 - 4 ). Likewise -8 as ( 0 - 8 )

• There should exist at least one blank space (‘ ‘) between every integer, operator, and parenthesis.

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JAVA Programming: Write a calculator program for integer numbers in java the
Reference No:- TGS01151594

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