
write a c program with header and source files to

Write a C++ program with header and source files to store street addresses using the Doubly Linked List ADT. Modify the Node class from Lab Assignment 3 so that it becomes a node in a Doubly Linked List. All the fields in the address can be maintained as before.

Create a header file called AddrDList.h and a C++ file called AddrDList.cpp. In the header file, define the Node class and declare any functions required to maintain the Doubly Linked List. Refer to the class lecture slides to see what functions you may need. Implement the necessary functions in the AddrDList.cpp file. Create another C++ file called TestAddrDList.cpp. This file should read input from a redirected file or terminal, parse the input commands and call the necessary Linked List functions. The following commands and options are allowed:

insert h


{ is a comma separated street address that is inserted at the head of the list.



{ addr1 and addr2 are comma separated street addresses. Your program should find the position of the address addr2 in the list and insert addr1 c=b before or c=a after addr2. If addr2 is not found, do nothing.


where order will be one of two strings { ftoe or etof. In the case of the former, display all the nodes in the list from the beginning (head) to the end. For the latter, display all the nodes from the end to the beginning (Hint: use the prev pointer). Each address is separated by a single empty line. If display is called more than once, there is only one empty line between the last address of the first display and the first address of the second display.

delete addr

where addr is the address to be deleted. If the address is not found, do nothing.

A sample input file will look like this:

insert h 202,West Main Street,Post,TX,79356

insert 203,West Main Street,Post,TX,79356 a 202,West Main Street,Post,TX,79356

insert 204,West Main Street,Post,TX,79356 b 203,West Main Street,Post,TX,79356

display ftoe

Sample output after the display command in the above input example:


Street:West Main Street





Street:West Main Street





Street:West Main Street




Note that the address in the input file has to be parsed and stored in the different fields (number, street etc.) of the object. Each time your program compares the address stored in the node, it must compare every field.

2 Deliverables

The following files are to be zipped into a single file (with your eraider login name) and uploaded to Blackboard.

1. Source files: The two C++ and one header file. Source and header files must include relevant comments explaining the code.

2. README: Explain in a few lines what each program does and how to compile and run your programs. Also include your own name, eraider login and the date at the top of the file.

Please do not include any other files including executables or Visual Studio Project files. If you use Visual Studio for the assignment, you must first figure out how to redirect input and include command line arguments. Points will be assigned for clean compilation without warnings or errors. If your program does not compile, it fails all test cases by default. Your program will not be graded if the naming conventions specie in this document are not followed.

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C/C++ Programming: write a c program with header and source files to
Reference No:- TGS0205548

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