Write a C++ program which adds two polynomials. You should represent the polynomial using the linked list, and each term of a polynomial is defined by a class. For example let P(x) = 2x4 + 3x3 - 7, Q(x) = -5x5 - 2x4 - 7x2 + 5x -6. Then input for P(x) will be (2.0, 4), (3.0, 3) and (-7.0, 0), and input for Q(x) will be (-5.0, 5), (-2.0, 4) and (-7.0, 2), (5.0, 1) and (-6.0, 0). Then the output is (-5.0, 5), (3.0, 3), (-7.0, 2), (5.0, 1) and (-13.0, 0).