
Write a c program to read in various types of test

Programming language: C++

Write a C++ program to read in various types of test questions (multiple choice and True/False) from a test bank (text file), and load the questions into an array of questions. You will need to implement the following class hierarchy (given in UML):

Line 1 will be an integer value, indicating how many questions in the file

Each question will start with a line that starts with either "MC" or "TF" followed by a space and then the point value of the question.

The next line will be the actual question.

If the question was True/False, the following line will be the answer, either "True" or "False"

If the question was multiple choice, the following line will be an integer value indicating how many choices will be provided for that question. The following lines will be the choices.

There will never be more than 6 choices. The final line following the choices will be the answer: "A" or "B" or "C" or "D" or "E" or "F".

A sample test bank file is as follows:


TF 5

There exist birds that cannot fly?


MC 10

Who was the President of the USA in 1991?


Richard Nixon

Gerald Ford

Jimmy Carter

Ronald Reagan

George Bush Sr.

Bill Clinton


TF 10

The city of Boston hosted the 2004 Summer Olympics?


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C/C++ Programming: Write a c program to read in various types of test
Reference No:- TGS02902641

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