1. Write a C program to find two prime numbers that are closest to but larger than 10000 and also two prime numbers that are closest to but smaller than 10000.
2. Write a C program to flash the LEDs on your demo board with the following pattern (use port B in SSE452 and use port D in SSE8720 or SSE8680j:
1. Turn on all LEDs for a quarter second and turn them off for a quarter second.
2. Repeat Step 1 three more times.
3. Turn on one LED (at odd position) at a time from left to right with each LED turned on for half a second.
4. Repeat Step 3 three more times.
5. Turn on one LED (at even position) at a time from right to left with each LED turned on for a quarter second.
6. Repeat Step 5 three more times.
7. Turn on LEDs driven by pins RB4 and RB3 on and off twice. The on time and off time are both a quarter second.
8. Turn on LEDs driven by pins RB5 and RB2 on and off twice. The on time and off time are both half a second.
9. Turn on LEDs driven by pins RB6 and RBI on and off twice. The on time and off time are both half a second.
10. Turn on LEDs driven by pins RB7 and RBO on and off twice. The on time and off time are both a quarter second.