
write a c program to compute the net pay for

Write a C# program to compute the Net Pay for employees. The program is to have a Main method and two user-defined methods. The Main method is to input the employee's name (string), hours worked (int), rate of pay (double), and percentage of tax (double).  The Main method is then to call the ComputeGrossPay method and pass to it the hours worked and rate of pay. ComputeGrossPay will return the gross pay as a double. The gross pay and percentage of tax are then passed to ComputeNetPay which computes the net pay as follows: net pay = gross pay - (gross pay * percentage of tax). ComputeNetPay is to be a void method with the resulting value being returned as a call by reference parameter. The Main method then prints out the employee's name, the gross pay, and the net pay. The methods headers should look like:

public static double ComputeGrossPay (int hours, double payRate)

public static void ComputeNetPay (double grossPay, double perTax, ref double netPay)

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C/C++ Programming: write a c program to compute the net pay for
Reference No:- TGS0206928

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