
Write a c program that will help them tally the contestants

The "One More Round" bar and grill is conducting a karaoke singing contest and needs you to write a C++ program that will help them tally the contestants' scores and determine the winner.

Each singer's final score is based on the individual scores of 8 judges.

In an attempt to avoid biased judges the highest and lowest score for each singer is to be excluded from their final average.

(Each singer's final score should be the average of their judged scores not including the high and the low.)

All values should be stored a structure. The input should look like the following.

I would suggest doing a copy and paste.

8 6 5 7 6 9 4 6 Daniel Jackson

7 4 5 8 6 8 5 9 Manicure Angulera

5 3 4 2 6 4 7 5 Billy Soul

7 1 5 4 9 7 8 6 Elton Johnson

6 5 4 8 7 3 6 7 Tangler Swift

5 3 7 8 6 4 5 6 Ozzie Osmond

NOTE: You must use functions in this program other than main. This should come natural to you at this point especially since much of the example code we've looked at is already written in functions.

You will need to define a structure for a singer type. The singer struct should consist of a first name, last name, scores (which will be a one dimensional array), high score, low score, average (make this a double), and sum. In your main function declare a one dimensional array of singers.

I would suggest having a function that inputs the values from your input file into the singer array. Another good candidate for a function would be a function that determines the high and low values for each singer's score array. You could also have a function that calculates each singer's sum and average.

Be sure to subtract the high and the low before calculating the average. After you have calculated the singers' averages, they singer array should be sorted with the winner being first in the array. I would suggest having a separate sorting function to do this. You may use any of the sorting algorithms we have talked about in class. Finally, you should have a function to output your results.

There is a C++ program skeleton included with the assignment that can help you get started. Output your results showing the final average and ranking of the singers. They should be listed in order with the highest average singer first and the worst singer at the bottom of the list.

Turn in your input file, output file, and source code file.

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C/C++ Programming: Write a c program that will help them tally the contestants
Reference No:- TGS02879089

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