
Write a c program that translates c strings from english

Write a C++ program that translates C strings from English into Pig Latin.

Pig Latin is a form of coded language used for amusement. Many variations exists, so, use the following rules for translation:

  • If a word begins with a consonant (which we define as a letter other than a, e, i, o, or u), move the leading consonants to the end of the word and add "ay" ("ball" becomes "allbay" and "phone" becomes "onephay").
  • If a word begins with a vowel (a, e, i, o, or u), add "way" to the end of the word. ("all" becomes "allway" and "one" becomes "oneway").
  • If a word consist only of consonants, just add "ay" ("crypt" becomes "cryptay").
  • If a letter in a word other than the first letter is upper case, the word is left unchanged and not translated (e.g., "BRuin" and "ALWAYS" are not translated).
  • If in a word an apostrophe appears with a letter to its right and left (e.g., "can't") the word is left unchanged and not translated.

Words can contain alphabetic characters and apostrophes; however an apostrophe must have a letter on both sides of it to be part of a word. In case of capitalization in the English word (only with the first letter of the word), you need to capitalize the first letter of the newly formed Pig Latin word (e.g. "Bruin" becomes "Uinbray" ).

You must write the function:

int translate(char str[], int maxLength);

This function takes a C string str and modifies it to create its Pig Latin version. The function returns the number of words succesfully translated. If at any time translating a word would cause you to overrun the size of the C-string discontinue translating str and return the number of words translated up to that point. You should use the maxLength parameter as the maximum number of characters in your string (not including the null byte).

Your translate function and any functions you write that it calls must not use any std::string objects. If you need to use a string, you must use a C string. (Although the program you turn in must not use any C++ strings, only C strings, you might want to consider this development strategy: Ignore this restriction at first, and develop a working solution that uses C++ strings. After you've ironed out the issues in writing project, save a backup, and then convert your calls using C++ strings to using C strings instead. This approach helps you avoid confusing the mistakes in your use of C strings with the mistakes in your algorithm, so makes debugging easier.)

The translate function is the only function you are required to write. You may write additional functions as part of your solution if you wish. While we won't test those additional functions separately, their use may help you structure your program more readably. Of course, to test all your functions, you'll want to write a main routine that calls your translate function. During the course of developing your solution, you might change that main routine many times. As long as your main routine compiles correctly when you turn in your solution, it doesn't matter what it does, since we will rename it to something harmless and never call it (because we will supply our own main routine to throroughly test your translate function).

Your translate function and any functions it calls must not cause anything to be read from cin. If you want these functions to write things out for debugging purposes, write to cerr instead of cout. When we test your program, we will cause everything written to cerr to be discarded instead - we will never see that output, so you may leave those debugging output statements in your program if you wish.

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Basic Computer Science: Write a c program that translates c strings from english
Reference No:- TGS01086533

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