1. C++
• Write a C++ program that determines the density of a materials, given the radius and mass of a sphere. This is a assignment similar to the exercise wc did in the lab last Friday.
o Prompt the user to enter the radius and mass of the sphere, and read them from the keyboard.
o Calculate and display the density of the material.
o Prompt the user to enter the radius of another sphere made of similar materials. o Calculate and display the mass of the second sphere.
o Submit a copy of the program and output, similar to what you did last Friday.
2. Microsoft
• This week we will be working with flowcharts. We will utilize Visit to draw the flowcharts. Please get familiar with the software.
• As a CSUN engineering student, you may download for free and install on your computer several software, including Visio, at: littpsjiwww.dreamspaticcom
Click on 'team more" in the green box (Academie Institutions)
• Visit the websites listed below and download BrixCC if you wish to install on your computer.
• Get acquainted with the NXT hardware. We will talk more about it this Friday.
• Review the ,IXCtutorial.pdf" document on Moodie.
a. https://briexcc.sourceforgc.net (BRICX command center download)
b. htto://briexcc.sourcefonze.net/nbc/ (NBC/NXC tutorial, guide, sample)
c. htto://bricxec.sourceforge.netInbc/nxcdoe/NXC tutorial.ndf (NXC Tutorial)
d. https://www.leeoengincering.CO. (Lego NXT resources)