
Write a c program that calculates the inventory on-hand for

Assignment: Inventory System

Write a C++ program that calculates the inventory on-hand for Widget Co, an internationally renowned Widget maker located in Santa Monica. Each month, Widget Co. produces 123 new widgets from its production line during a good month, but only 52 widgets from its production line during a bad month. In addition, each month, its sales team takes orders for some number of widgets. If they are on-hand, Widget Co. reduces its inventory of widgets. If not on-hand, it compiles a back-order for the requested widgets. In order to receive full credit, you must use functions for this calculation and pass parameters and work with return values. The program dialogue should look like this:

Welcome to Widget Co.!

Month: 0 Number of widgets on-hand: 0 Number back-ordered: 0
Was it a good or bad month (g/b)? g
How many did the sales force sell? 15
Continue(y/n)? y

Month: 1 Number of widgets on-hand: 108 Number back-ordered: 0
Was it a good or bad month (g/b)? b
How many did the sales force sell? 150
Continue(y/n)? y

Month: 2 Number of widgets on-hand: 10 Number back-ordered: 0
Was it a good or bad month (g/b)? b
How many did the sales force sell? 100
Continue(y/n)? y

Month: 3 Number of widgets on-hand: 0 Number back-ordered: 38
Was it a good or bad month (g/b)? g
How many did the sales force sell? 200
Continue(y/n)? n

At the end of month 3, you wound up with 0 widgets on-hand and 115 widgets back-ordered

• Again, you are expected to create all files.
• The main high level method must be named runlnvSys(...).


• Your submission should follow this organization:


- main.cpp
- my_pi_approximator.h
- my_pi_approximator.cpp


- main.cpp
- my_inventory_system.h
- my_inventory_system.cpp

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C/C++ Programming: Write a c program that calculates the inventory on-hand for
Reference No:- TGS02469680

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