
Write a brief summary and develop a thesis this should


Prompt: Geoffrey Chaucer uses descriptive language to create a variety of characters in his work The Canterbury Tales. Based on the information you have learned about the Middle Ages, create your own character to travel on the voyage to Canterbury to visit St. Thomas a Becket.You will also provide a brief summary of the work in the introduction.

Prewriting: Research the Middle Ages, clothing, religion, professions, behaviors, activities, etc. Look at the characters in the Canterbury Tales, and determine where a new character may fit. Brainstorm, how will your created character look, act, etc. Remember, they should fit into a feudal group, city group, or church group.

Essay: After reading the workThe Canterbury Tales, write a brief summary and develop a thesis. This should appear in the introduction. The remaining paragraphs should focus on the appearance, behaviors and actions of your newly created character.

Final Response to Literary Text draft should include evidence of the following:

Language: imagery, research inclusion, and word choice: how the writer's use of these elements achieves effects in the composition.

Format: paragraph one - introduction/summary/thesis; paragraph two -introduction of your character, appearance; paragraph three -your character's occupation, who are they traveling with?; paragraph four-what else do we need to know about your character? ; paragraph five -bring your portion of the journey to an accurate close.

Remember: This work takes place in the Middle Ages and your character should resemble that time period. For example, your character can't drive a car because cars did not exist during this time period. Keep your details accurate. You may also use ideas from the prologue if you need help thinking of a character.

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Other Subject: Write a brief summary and develop a thesis this should
Reference No:- TGS02418926

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