
Write a brief memorandum to your current supervisor

1) review the supplementary info on time management and goal setting, personality types, and creating a personal mission statement before completing this assignment. Include a minimum of 5 references to or quotes from the supplementary materials (with at least two from the webinar recording) to receive a passing grade on this assignment.

[NOTE: For this particular assignment, references do not need to be in MLA style and no Works Cited section is necessary. Simply write, "while reading Dr. Sapp's Time Management handout, I learned that XXX," or "as Dr. Clark mentioned in his webinar, it's good to XXX, YYY, and ZZZ."]

2) In a brief 500-750-word memorandum (use correct business memo format--see below) to your current supervisor, communicate your actual, real-life career objectives for personal professional development (short range, mid-term, and long term--1-3 paragraphs for each--also include an introductory and conclusion paragraph)

Use each of the three labels (short range--less than one year, mid-term--1-5 years, and long term--10, 20, 30 years out) in turn as the heading for each of the three sections of the body of the memo--the introduction and conclusion should also be labeled with headings, so you'll have a total of five sections, each with its own heading.

NO "bullets" or lists may be used in this particular assignment (don't worry, you'll use them a lot later!) - so use narrative format only, please.

Remember your audience - you must satisfy your employer's perspective while being honest about your goals for the future. Not now employed? Pick a typical job related to your major and write to a future boss.

This paper should NOT address company or production goals--this is about YOUR career objectives.

1) When writing a memo, always include an introduction paragraph explaining why you are writing, and a conclusion paragraph with a clear call to action or request. Translation --> this memo will contain a total of five sections with headings:

  • Introduction
  • Short Range Goals
  • Mid-term Goals
  • Long-term Goals
  • Conclusion

(You can be a little more creative with the headings if you like, but each heading should indicate what is contained in that section.)

2) If you have never written a business memo, look up examples of this specific format and be sure to format your document correctly. Points will be deducted from documents submitted using incorrect format.

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Dissertation: Write a brief memorandum to your current supervisor
Reference No:- TGS01563543

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