Article : Shepherds of The Night by Jorge Amado
Write a brief essay about the uses and meanings of Candomblé in Interlude of the Christening of Felício, Son of Massu and Benedita OR Ogun's Compadre, by Jorge Amado.
Include both the Orixás and the human characters, as well as the narrator's attitude toward the religion and its significance in Bahia.
1) Essays must be three to five pages long, 12 pt font, 1-1.25" margins, double-spaced.
2) They must follow a standard style sheet such as MLA or Chicago.
3) Quotations from the novella as well as from external sources should be cited in accordance with the guidelines of the style sheet used. The sources used must be listed on a "Works Cited" page.
4) After the introduction, each paragraph should work to build a coherent argument (in other words, no rambling).
5) Students should proofread the essay to ensure proper grammatical form and to eliminate typos.