Write a paper on US Healthcare system is probing to implement Health Information Technologies to meet different objectives which has an impact on care quality and has implemented ERP software ROSS,
Write a brief draft describing about business problem which a company faces and which can be solved with other information technology application other than ERP software.
What are other options can be used other than ERP software? Define the problem that you are trying to solve and what they particular face, why it is problem and why a technology
solution will work and its impact on business organization. What are the possible approaches and possible approaches to solve the problem? Also what are the advantages of ERP systems?
Please write a paper including all the below mentioned contents and write a brief paper.
Table of Contents
1. Abstract
2. Brief Company background
3. Discussion of business problem(s)
4. High level solution
5. Benefits of solving the problem
6. Business/technical approach
7. Business process changes
8. Technology or business practices used to augment the solution
9. Conclusions and overall recommendations
10. High-level implementation plan
11. Summary of project