1. Using a "word" of 5 bits. list all of the possible signed binary numbers and their decimal equivalents that are representable in:
a. Magnitude
b. One's complement
c. Two's complement
2 Express the (- 1/32) number in IEEE 32-bit floating-point format
3 Using Boolean algebra, prove that:
X'Y + XYZ' + Y' + XZ (Y+Y')= 1
4. Charles Stud University (CSU) is conducting three sessions every year. The BEGIN month for Session 1 is March, and it end is Jun. SESSION 2 BEGINS in July. and it end is October. SESSION 3 BEGINS in November. and it end is February.
Write a Boolean function and design a logic circuit. use of basic logic gates to activate these three sessions for CSU. Design a circuit with four inputs (A, 8, C, and D) representing the bits in a binary number. and three outputs (SLActive. S2 Active. and S3 Active).
When the input is session 1. the output StActive should be one and all other outputs should be zero
5 . Complete the truth table for the following sequential circuit: