
Write a book review on the autobiography of malcolm x your


Length: 10 PAGE PAPER

1. Comparative Book Review

a. The Autobiography of Malcolm X

b. The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration on the Age of Colorblindness

Youtube Video: "Dr. Sanders discussing Black Experience Book Review"

2. Look at the structure information that has been posted on the front page.

3. Paper should have page numbers, name on each page., Double space, 12 font.

4. Do not personalize in formal paper. (Do not use I, we, us, etc.) You are an objective analyzer. If you must refer to yourself as, use "this writer"

5. Your paper must have sub-topics. This provides transition between the sections of the paper.

6. Your analysis of the two books should be developed. It is not a paragraph. If you look at the value in the grading rubric, you should realize this is an important section of the paper (probably the most important section)

7. The introduction is very important since I am looking at how you are setting up the paper and what is the content of your comparative analysis 10 PAGE PAPER.

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