
Write a book review on kaisha the japanese corporation by

Book Review

The one book I designate for your required book review is the classic in the field, Kaisha, the Japanese Corporation by James C. Abegglen and George Stalk Jr. 1986 Basic Books, New York.


The book review must be word-processed in a font size 11 on a letter size paper (8½ x 11) with 1.5 line spacing within 1-inch margins on all sides. A book review must have a separate one-page cover, 2-3 pages of the main body including footnotes, and a separate one page that contains all references. Also, in the upper right-hand corner of every page, please put the page number and your full name. Book review will not be awarded for length or rhetoric per se but graded for clarity, logical argument and economic rationale. A benchmark is 30-35 % summary, 55%-60% critique, 10-15% referential remarks. For sample book reviews, you may wish to consult Journal of Economic Literature.

In your book review, you ought to include your own analysis as to how and where the Japanese industrial paradigm has failed to a rapidly transformed economy after the information revolution, and in contrast how the US has resurged to a dominant market economy with and since the information revolution. Nothing prevents you from discussing how China, Korea or Europe may fit in the transforming economies. Also, try to state the relevance of the book to the present and future from the comparative institutional perspectives. They will constitute the bulk of your "critique" for the book. Your book review should consist of at most 5 pages in which the first page is the title cover page and the last page is a list of references. In other words, the main body of your book review is at most 3 pages. A benchmark for your main body is 30-35 % summary, 55%-60% critique, 10-15% referential remarks. The most important part of your review is your own critique. Your critique need not be limited to what I stated in the above paragraph.

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