
Write a book review aboutnbsp sowell t 2009 applied


You are required to read chapters 3-6 and 6-7 of Thomas Sowell textbook, APPLIED ECONOMICS Thinking Beyond Stage One. Write a review summarizing and evaluating the assigned chapters in the book. You may include summaries and evaluation of unassigned material in the book at your own discretion but you must prioritize chapters 3-6 and 6-7.

1. Spend approximately one third of the paper summarizing the book,

2. Another third evaluating the book using economic thinking and Christian ethical principles, and

3. The last third applying the readings from the book to current public policy problems.

The Review must be in current Turabian format and must include complete citations of the textbook and any additional sources. A minimum of 2 scholarly sources must be cited according to current Turabian format. No more than 20 percent of the review may consist of direct quotations from the reviewed book. Review below the minimum length of 1,200 words will be subject to a reduction in points.

Book: Sowell, T. (2009). Applied Economics. New York, New York: Basic Books.

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Microeconomics: Write a book review aboutnbsp sowell t 2009 applied
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