
Write a biref review of the book colonial era this is a

This is a brief list of books from which you can write a book review. Please see me after class if you need any information about them. Reviews should be three or four double-spaced pages, typed, and provide BOTH a nice synopsis of the book and a general critique. Students will receive up to 50 points for each book review they complete.

Colonial Era

Nick Bunker, Making Haste from Babylon: The Mayflower Pilgrims and their World, a

New History

Alberto Galindo, In Search of the Inca: Destiny and Utopia in the Andes

Alison Games, Witchcraft in Early North America

Robert Goodwin, Crossing the Continent, 1527-1540: The Story of the First African-

American Explorer of the American South

Ramon Gutierrez, ‘When Jesus Came the Corn Mothers Went Away': Marriage, Sexuality, and Power in New Mexico, 1500-1846 David Hall, A Reforming People: Puritanism and the Transformation of Public Life in New England

James Horn, A Kingdom Strange: The Brief and Tragic History of the Lost Colony of Roanoke Richard Ligon, A True and Exact History of the Island of Barbados

Daniel Mandell, King Philip's War: Colonial Expansion, Native Resistance, and the End of Indian Sovereignty Edmund Morgan, The Puritan Dilemma Edmund Morgan, American Slavery, American Freedom Mary Beth Norton, In the Devil's Snare Owen Stanwood, The Empire

Reformed: English America in the Age of the Glorious


Harry Stout, The New England Soul

Barry Levy, Quakers and the American Family

Revolutionary America

Catherine Adams, Love of Freedom: Black Women in Colonial and Revolutionary


John Alexander, Samuel Adams: The Life of an American Revolutionary

Bernard Bailyn, The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution

Edwin Burrows, Forgotten Patriots: The Untold Story of American Prisoners during the

Revolutionary War

Joseph Ellis, Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation

Julie Flavell, When London was Capital of America

Richard Godbeer, Sexual Revolution in Early America

Susan Klepp, Revolutionary Conceptions: Women, Fertility, and Family Limitation in

America, 1760-1820

Pauline Maier, Ratification: the People Debate the Constitution, 1787-88

Pauline Maier, American Scripture: Making the Declaration of Independence

Mary Beth Norton, Liberty's Daughters:

Jack Rakove, Revolutionaries: A New History of the Invention of America

Gordon Wood, The Radicalism of the America Revolution

Jeffersonian Era

Stephen Ambrose, Undaunted Courage

Joseph Ellis, After the Revolution: Profiles of Early American Culture

Edward Larson, A Magnificent Catastrophe: The Tumultuous Election of 1800,

America's First Presidential Campaign

John C. Miller, The Federalist Era

Robert M. Owens, Mr. Jefferson's Hammer: William Henry Harrison and the Origins of

American Indian Policy

Ben Rose, Mother of Freedom: Mum Bett and the Roots of Abolition

Robert Tucker, Empire of Liberty: The Statecraft of Thomas Jefferson

Early National and Jacksonian Periods

Will Bagley, Overland West: Blazing the Trails to Oregon and California, 1812-1848

Paul Johnson, A Shopkeepers' Millennium: Society and Revivals in Rochester, New York,


Paul Johnson and Sean Wilentz, The Kingdom of Matthias: A Story of Sex and Salvation

in 19th-Century America

Lawrence Kohl, The Politics of Individualism: Parties and the American Character in the

Jacksonian Era

Peter Kolchin, American Slavery

Walter Nugent, Habits of Empire: A History of American Expansion

James Parins, Elias Cornelius Boudinot: A Life on the Cherokee Border

Michael Paul Rogin, Fathers and Children

Jay Sexton, The Monroe Doctrine: Empire and Nation in Nineteenth-Century America

Charles Sellers, The Market Revolution

Mid-19th Century Social, Political, Economic, and Cultural

Stuart Blumin, The Emergence of the Middle Class: Social Experience in the American

City, 1760-1900

Bertram Wyatt-Brown, Honor and Violence in the Old South

Alfred Chandler, The Visible Hand

Carol Faulkner, Lucretia Mott's Heresy: Abolition and Women's rights in 19th century


Eric Foner, Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men: The Ideology of the Republican Party

Before the Civil War

Lori Ginzberg, Elizabeth Cady Stanton: An American Life

Leo Marx, The Machine in the Garden

Robert McGlone, John Brown's War Against Slavery

Sally McMillen, Seneca Falls and the Origins of the Women's Rights Movement

William Moran, The Belles of New England

James Oakes, The Ruling Race: A History of American Slaveholders

Robert Remini, At the Edge of the Precipice: Henry Clay and the Compromise that Saved

the Union

Christine Stansell, City of Women: Sex and Class in New York, 1789-1860

Edgar Thompson, The Plantation

Peter Wood, Black Majority: Negroes in Colonial South Carolina from 1670 through the

Stono Rebellion

Civil War and Reconstruction

Michael Les Benedict, The Impeachment and Trial of Andrew Johnson

Edward Bonekemper, Grant and Lee: Victorious American and Vanquished Virginian

Victoria Bynum, The Long Shadow of the Civil War: Southern Dissent and Its Legacies

David Eicher, Dixie Betrayed: How the South Really Lost the Civil War

Drew Faust, This Republic of Suffering: Death and the American Civil War

Eric Foner, Reconstruction, 1863-1877: America's Unfinished Revolution

Eric Foner, The Fiery Trial: Abraham Lincoln and American Slavery

Michael Green, Politics and America in Crisis: The Coming of the Civil War

James McPherson, Battle Cry Freedom: The Civil War Era

Phillip Paludan, The Presidency of Abraham Lincoln

Joan Waugh, U.S. Grant: American Hero, American Myth

C. Vann Woodward, Reunion and Reaction

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