Assignment Overview
Write a article review of How Being Busy Can Increase Motivation and Reduce Task
Completion Time
· Using Lynn's library website, find an empirical research article
· Submit a PDF copy of this article for approval to LiveText.
· Write a 3-4 page formal review paper of the article and submit it to LiveText.
· Discuss the article and your critique of it with the class.
The Review Paper
· Your paper should include the following
o A brief overview of the study
- Hypothesis(es)
- Methods (don't go into too much detail)
- Results - summarize the main findings (support with tables, graphs, etc.)
o A discussion of the study's potential impact and importance of the findings
o A critical analysis of
- Methods - what did they do wrong/right?
- Interpretation - did they over-interpret their findings?
- What else needs to be done to address this research topic?
o A brief mention of another study, from any journal, that has also attempted to address this topic - tie your article together with this study (similarities, differences, which is better, etc.)
· Your paper should be 3-4 double-spaced pages in length
· MUST use proper APA-style citations throughout AND have an APA-style references page at the end
· Use proper APA formatting (title page, Times New Roman size-12 font, etc., 1" margins)
· Paper is due by 5pm on Monday, 4/11