
Write a article and complete paragraph explaining its value


Choose your values and present them to demonstrate your learning to me. I do not have any intention of finding fault with little details, but I am evaluating your learning with your basis of Ethics and your ability to relate to the course. The length of the essay is not as important as demonstrating your learning with details and reasoned support and explanation from what was learned in the course.

You should, at least, present the following.

-An Introduction (introducing your purpose with your chosen values, and the Philosophers studied connected with each of your values).

-A complete paragraph explaining your first value.

-A complete paragraph with the Philosopher and their ethics connected to the previous paragraph's value.

-A complete paragraph explaining your second value.

-A complete paragraph with the Philosopher and their ethics connected to the previous paragraph's value.

-A complete paragraph explaining your third value.

-A complete paragraph with the Philosopher and their ethics connected to the previous paragraph's value.

-A complete paragraph explaining your fourth value.

-A complete paragraph with the Philosopher and their ethics connected to the previous paragraph's value.

-A conclusion to summarize the highlights of the body of the essay

The following is the list of movies you must use one of for this project option:

"Chariots of Fire", "Breaker Morant", "Remember The Titans", "12 Angry Men", "Lord of the Flies", "Nat'l Treasure", "Radio", "A Few Good Men") and evaluate the movie with the following criteria, including an explanation of the plot and points of the movie. So, you would do the following.

Name and give basic citation information for the movie (only from the list above) that you have chosen.

Introduce the essay and explain in two plus paragraphs, the plot and main points of the movie (this should be at least 2 paragraphs).

Then (using a similar method as above):

List the top 4-5 ethical/moral issues/values presented in the movie (those ethical/moral issues/values, such as marital faithfulness, rules broken for a greater reason, stealing, defaming someone else's character or many others), that are presented primarily in the movie. There should be a substantial paragraph with detailed explanation to present each one of the 4-5 issues/values. [This should be at least 4-5 paragraphs.]

Then, connect the ethical/moral issues/values with ethical principles (the ethical theories or theorists, studied in our Ethics text book) and how you identify, understand and view each of those chosen ethical/moral issues/values presented in the movie to drive or focus upon those perspectives as an ethical/moral compass. There should be a substantial paragraph of detailed explanation to connect each of the 4-5 issues/values with and ethical theorist and theory that was presented from the text book. [This should be at least 4-5 paragraphs.]

Finally, end with a summarizing conclusion of how any of your findings help or may help present what it means to be a person of good ethical/moral values in our society and world or to be a good society in the world.

Your work should be written in a Microsoft word processing program

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Microeconomics: Write a article and complete paragraph explaining its value
Reference No:- TGS01818761

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