
Write a 8 pages paper on activity-based accounting in the


Write a 8 pages paper on Activity-based Accounting in the health Industry.

Paper Outline- Read entirely

Topic- Activity-based Accounting in the health Industry (Outline and sources attached only used sources listed)

1. Closely read and ensure that you understand the following requirements for a successful research paper..

2. The paper must be at least 8 full pages in length and contain citations to 10 different sources (SOURCES ATTACHED ONLY USE THESE) used in the paper.

3. Prepare the paper utilizing APA guidelines. The Purdue Owl contains a great overview of research, writing, and APA style guidelines.

4. A departure from APA guidelines is that I require page numbers be included in paraphrases as well as quote citations. The page numbers are used to find the source of the paraphrase so that the paraphrase can be checked for accuracy.

5. Failure to include specific page numbers in all citations whether direct quotations or paraphrases will result in a 40 point deduction and the paper being returned to you for correction and resubmission.

6. Place the Abstract on a separate page which does not count in paper length.

7. The Running Head must be within the one inch top margin.

8. Use a one paragraph Introduction and Conclusion in your paper. The Introduction and Conclusion are each limited to 10 lines.

9. The paper must be long enough to thoroughly cover the paper topic.

10. Refer to the Purdue Owl for all requirements of a research paper. The Purdue Owl covers the process from the initial research step to the writing of the paper.If you do not understand a requirement or suggestion please contact me or go to the Writing Center for assistance or refer to online sources.

11. Place lengthy quotes over 5 lines, pictures, illustrations, and tables in the appendix and reference them in your paper.

12. Every paragraph, except a one paragraph, 10 line maximum, Introduction, and Conclusion, or 1 line introduction in a paragraph to identify the subject of the paragraph must be identified by citations to the source from which you obtained the information conveyed in your writing. Each paragraph will contain multiple citations.

13. 3 government publications( U.S., State, or Local)

14. Do not use bullet points in writing the paper.

15. Do not use "I", "we", "you", "they", or other personal pronouns.

16. Do not use "Common Knowledge". This is a research paper and not an essay. Every paraphrase must contain a citation. You obtained all of your knowledge from some source and are required to cite each source.

Personal knowledge or "common knowledge" is not acceptable in research for this course and will be treated as sources not cited for the determination of plagiarism.

If you do not cite an article do not use it in your references.

Ensure that you do not confuse financial accounting with managerial accounting.

Conduct your research and writing in accordance with a good research and writing text such as Keys for Writers by Raimes.

Failure to include specific page numbers in all citations whether direct quotations or paraphrases will result in a 25 per cent deduction and the paper being returned to you for correction and resubmission. If the source does not have page numbers you must supply the page numbers for citations.

If you do not cite an article do not use it in your references.

Attachment:- Activity-based-Accounting-in-the-health-Industry.rar

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