Write a 700 word (double-spaced) essay that takes one of the topics below as a starting point. You may write on a single text or write a comparison between two texts. Your essay should advance a clear and carefully defended thesis. Use close textual analysis and quotations from two appropriate secondary sources to strengthen your claims. Please format your essay according to MLA specifications.
Essays will be assessed according to the following criteria:1) the precision and originality of your thesis 2) the effectiveness and rigour of your argumentation3) clarity of expression and grammar4) quality of engagement with primary text(s) 5) effective use of research to strengthen your analysis 6) evidence that the essay has been edited and proofread carefully This assignment is worth 20% of your final grade in EAC150.
Eligible Texts:
"Be Right Back"
"The House of Asterion"
"Consider the Lobster"
Closely analyse the representation of animals in 1 or 2 course texts.