Write a 6000 words research paper on Commodity markets can be analyzed either technically or fundamentally. Fundamental analysis studies supply and demand relationships that define the price of a commodity at any given time.
The intersection of a positively sloped aggregate supply curve and a downward sloping aggregate demand curve determines the equilibrium output and the price level. The equilibrium output level will change if either the aggregate demand or aggregate supply curve shifts
- Commodity market definition:1.3Central bank
2.Commodity Market within the Global Economy
4.Global trends
5.Market downturn fall 2008
6.Causes of Financial crisis
- Policies of central banks
- Market downturns and impacts
7.Indirect economic effects
- Commodity Market Trend Analysis:
- Statistics:
8.Nature of the Global Economic and Social Crisis
- Inflation of commodity market
- World Bank 2016 oil price forecast
- Commodity prices
9.Flow Chart of high and low
- Moving averages
- Trend Lines
- Cycles
- Resistance and Support Planes
- Corrections
- Double tops and bottoms
- Head and Shoulders Formation
- Trading
- Open interest
10. Conclusion:
11. Reference