
Write a 6 pages research paper on topic of diabetes write


Write a 6 pages research paper on topic of diabetes.

When you write the research paper pay attention to the following:

-Avoid using argumentative style.
-No opinion or point of view should be included. Just citation.
-Subheadings should be included not just plain paper.
-Structure should be as following:

Abstract- Introduction - definition and background information about type 2diabetes - causes of type 2 diabetes -pathogenesis of type 2- clinical manifestations of type 2 - categories of drugs type with their example, clinical values, adverse effects

(this should be the biggest part of the paper) - conclusion.



For the textbooks just go to the chapter of diabetes to cite the information.

Check the attached You'll find my sources that's gonna be used in this research paper.

Instructions attached:


File name research paper 4, research paper 3, Research paper 2

Research Paper Instructions - RW61

You will write either an argumentative or analytical research paper on a topic that interests you within you; field of study. This means tho', VOU will choose the topic about wilich you will write:

Write an academic research paper with appropriate citations, quotations, and references, and brackets and ellipses when needed. This paper will be a minimum of 6-10 pages in length (not including title page, abstract, and references), and will be a topic chosen by the student.


Font: Calibri or Times New Roman, Size 12, double-spaced

Paper must include title page, abstract 6-10 page paper (with in-text citations, brackets, and ellipses), and APA style reference list.

Title page must include: Title of paper, your name, RW61 Spring 2018

You must have a minimum of FIVE academic sources (published books and journal articles). Other sources can be used, but will not count towards your minimum of five academic sources.

Research Paper Schedule:

Research Paper Structure (Secondary Research)

Like an essay, just much longer! Look at Jane's sample paper for structural guidance.

Remember to include in-text citations when needed!

• Title Page

o Title of paper
o Your name
o RW61 Spring 2018

• Abstract

o Summary of your paper; 1S0-250 words (no quotes or citations)

• Introduction

o Can be as short as one paragraph; can be several paragraphs
o Just like an essay:

• Hook
• Background information
• Why is this topic important in general?
• Why is this topic important within your field?
• Thesis
• What specific aspects of this topic will this paper examine?
• What questions (if any) will this paper attempt to answer?
• Body

o This will be a minimum of four pages
o No specific structure, because it is different for EVERY paper
o Separate your major points into sections zing headings

• How many major points do you plan to address?

• Each section containing a major point needs to have its own heading. Se specific!

o For each major point:

• Summarize it for a reader who is unfamiliar with the topic
• Why is it important to the topic?
• What effect does this have on the topic/field?


o Can be as short as one paragraph, but can also be several paragraphs long
o Paraphrase your thesis
o Summarize your major points
o How might this information affect the topic in the future?

• Suggest possible changes/results

o Concluding thought

• APA Style Reference List

o Include all sources that were quoted/cited within the paper

Research Papers

1. R EVIEW OF THERAPEUTICS: Using Personalized Medicine in the Management of Diabetes Mellitus by Nina Elk and Otito F. Iwuchukwu.

2. Overview of clinically approved oral antidiabetic agents for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus by Zhi-Xu He, Zhi-Wei Zhou, Yinxue Yang, Tianxin Yang, Si-Yuan Pan, Jia-Xuan Qiu and Shu-Feng Zhou.

3. Pharmacotherapy of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Navigating Current and New Therapies by Kelley Newlin Lew and Allison Wick.

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