
Write a 6 pages essay related to personal health class also

Write a 6 pages essay related to personal health class. also I want strong essay.

Writing assignment

Personal Impact Paper:

Students will critically analyze a behavior, personal health experience or nutrition/exercise patterns with investigative research. This could be a "Real life" research paper Students required to write a paper on a health topic that has directly influenced or impacted fames, Personal experience The topic must have a cover page and a reference page (MLA format).

Suggestions- Paper will be at least 6 pages in length (4 pages of content) a. be typed in 12 point font and be double spaced Margins will not be larger than 1 Inch top, bottom and side. Fifty percent of the paper will describe why this topic has made a personal impact on you a. what the student hopes to learn by researching this topic The second half (fifty percent, of the content wall be dedicated to investigative research of this to, and must Include proper citation along with a reference page. Students must cite at least Iwo resources in the paper. Examples may be: alcohol and drug abuse, violence, mental health issues, family history of disease or personal ailments/conditions, food chokes obesity, eating disorders, exercise, culture and heath topics, pregnancy, STIs, stress.

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Dissertation: Write a 6 pages essay related to personal health class also
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