Write a 6 page ethics essay on the Prison system.
• MLA or APA format: you must designate the format used by placing either "MLA" or "APA" after the date on your paper. Do not use the APA cover sheet required; it is a waste of paper. The paper is organized according to the assignment. The paper should have a clear thesis/position stated in the first paragraph; and your argument is easy to follow. Preference: MLA
• 2 scholarly sources (peer reviewed) must be used to support your argument; and research is relevant to the argument, used effectively and accurately. One (1) scholarly source is used as the opposing view.
• 1 moral theory applied to support the argument, as learned in the course/reading. Theory must be properly applied demonstrating you have read and understand the material, practiced in class with your group and instructor. Theory application must be clearly articulated.
• Works Cited page properly formatted; Works Consulted can be included after
• The paper must be uploaded into Canvas by the due date; late papers not accepted
• Minimum 6 pages of writing; one page for Works Cited = 7 page minimum.