Economics Problems
Please read the following articles/material:
NOTE: The following articles may be found in the APUS library system
Theory of Capitalism:
Offe, C. (2004, Fall). Capitalism by democratic design? Democratic theory facing the triple transition in East Central Europe. Social Research, 71(3), 501-528.
Theory of Planned Socialism:
Saith, A. (2008, September). China and India: The Institutional Roots of Differential Performance. Development & Change, 39(5), 723-757. doi:10.1111/j.1467-7660.2008.00503.x
Theory of Market Socialism:
Griffiths, S. (2006, March). Market socialism in retrospect. Contemporary Politics, 12(1), 25-44. doi:10.1080/13569770600704930
Assignment: Read the articles above. Write a 500 to 750 word paper in APA format conveying the salient points of this reading material. The paper should cover the theories of capitalism, planned socialism, and market socialism. In conclusion, you should offer pros and cons of each.
Be sure to support your opinions with properly cited and referenced sources