
Write a 5 page paper on an elderly client named mary brooke

Write a 5 page paper on an elderly client named Mary Brooke on how you can improve Mary's physical attributes/ ability and prevent physical deterioration of her body's ability to move and perform as it once did. The paper must be in APA format and use quotes from creditable sources. Must have a cover and reference page and double spaced. This paper is due 12/16/16. Below is a detail description of what miss Brooke faces in her everyday life.

Physical changes - in muscle mass/strength

Older adults typically lose muscle mass and strength as they age. This can result in difficulty with such ordinary activities as carrying groceries, lifting the mattress to make the bed, and other activities that require strength. The consequences can be ameliorated to some extent by weight-training exercise, but almost all older individuals will lose some strength.

1. Change in flexibility/range of motion

2. Flexibility also tends to decrease as joints get stiffer.

3. Reaching high cupboards, mopping or vacuuming, and other activities may be affected.

4. Walking up steps, climbing into a bus, getting into the bathtub are examples of activities that may be difficult.

5. Reaching into low cupboards or drawers, getting up from a chair or couch, in or out of the bathtub, and up and down from a toilet can also be difficult.

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Dissertation: Write a 5 page paper on an elderly client named mary brooke
Reference No:- TGS02139067

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