
Write a 4- to 5-page evidence-based discussion on how


Required reading listed below

Write a 4- to 5-page, evidence-based discussion on how organizations design pay systems to increase employee (and eventually organizational) performance. Are there pay systems that have been proven to be more effective than others? If so, which ones? Are there employers (by name) to bring into your discussion as examples of successful metrics utilization to demonstrate pay system effectiveness?

This assignment is designed to draw out critical thinking skills. There aren't easy answers.

Discuss the fairness issue in the design of pay systems. Is it possible for an unfair pay system design to positively affect organizational ROI? If so, is it okay to have an unfair pay system if it helps keep the organization profitable?

In this assignment you have the opportunity to go several different ways. For example, if an organization doesn't attempt to relate employee pay to organizational performance, what types of metrics might be useful to them showing that their approach is the correct one for them? The same for the employer that designs their pay systems with the goal of improving overall company performance. Is there information you can find in the library (and otherwise) showing that there is a direct link between employee pay systems and how well the organization performs?

Base your assignment on readings from the Background readings and from other outside reading(s) that you have found useful. Reference any material cited; cite all materials referenced.

Bring in at least 5 library sources to help strengthen your discussion.

IMPORTANT: Keep in mind this Case assignment focuses on wage/salary plans only; (not on employee benefits)

Your paper should be at least 4-6 pages, (not counting cover sheet and references). Respond to the above in an integrated essay, rather than in a question-answer format. Follow APA 6th Edition guidelines.

Required readings

Boyd, N., &Gessner, B. (2013) Human resource performance metrics: methods and processes that demonstrate you care. Cross Cultural Management 20.2 (2013): 251-273.

Dean, R. S. (2005). Learning effectiveness measurement: A new approach for measuring and managing learning to achieve business results. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 7(1), 55-70. .

Krol, K. M. (2006). Repurposing metrics for HR. HR Magazine, 51(7), 64-69.

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Microeconomics: Write a 4- to 5-page evidence-based discussion on how
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