
write a 32-bit program which when run allows the

Write a 32-bit program which when run, allows the user to select from a menu:

(1)    Enter a Binary Number

(2)    Enter a Decimal Number

(3)    Enter a Hexadecimal Number

(4)    Quit

Once the number has been entered, it should be converted into the other two formats and print all three formats in the output.


1. The program must print a statement telling what the program is capable of doing. Do NOT repeat this statement.

2. Display a menu of choices and prompt the user for a selection.

3. Store the number entered by the user in a variable so that it may be retrieved and converted by the program to display the appropriate results.

4. Divide the program's tasks into manageable subroutines (Procedures).

5. All output should go to the screen using proper formatting techniques (spacing and blank lines as needed).

6. The program must accept up to 32 binary digits, eight hexadecimal digits, and integer numbers up to 4294967295.  This will require using the data type "dword" and 32 bit registers.

7. If the user enters invalid data (a number too big, not the correct type of number, etc), then the program must give an appropriate error message and then ask the user to enter a valid number.

8. If the user enters lower case alpha character (for the HEX numbers), convert them to uppercase before displaying the output.

9. The output should display all three forms of the number (see the sample run).  Any HEX number beginning with a letter must be preceded with a zero (0). Ex. 0A1B2

*This program only uses UNSIGNED integer arithmetic.  When we divide using DIV, we obtain only the whole number part of the answer in the EAX register...same with the multiplication (MUL).

This program allows any user to enter a binary, decimal, or hexadecimal number. The program will then take the given number and convert it into the other two formats and display the results on the screen.

1)       Enter a Binary Number

2)       Enter a Decimal Number

3)       Enter a Hexadecimal Number

4)       Quit

Enter your choice -->  1

Enter a binary number (less than 33 digits) -->  10101010

Binary = 10101010  Decimal = 170  Hexadecimal = 0AA

1)       Enter a Binary Number

2)       Enter a Decimal Number

3)       Enter a Hexadecimal Number

4)       Quit

Enter your choice -->  2

Enter a decimal number (less than 4294967295d) -->  215487963

Binary = 1100110110000001010111011011  Decimal = 215487963  Hexadecimal = 0CD815DB

1)       Enter a Binary Number

2)       Enter a Decimal Number

3)       Enter a Hexadecimal Number

4)       Quit

Enter your choice -->  3

Enter a hexadecimal number (less than 0FFFFFFFFh) -->  abcdefab

Binary = 10101011110011011110111110101011  Decimal = 2882400171  Hexadecimal = 0ABCDEFAB

1)       Enter a Binary Number

2)       Enter a Decimal Number

3)       Enter a Hexadecimal Number

4)       Quit

Enter your choice -->  5

Error: Invalid input.

Enter your choice -->  2

Enter a decimal number (less than 4294967295d) -->  99999999999999

Error: Input too large.  Try again please.

Enter your choice -->  4

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Assembly Language: write a 32-bit program which when run allows the
Reference No:- TGS0207814

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