
Write a 3000 words excluding diagram chart table references

Assignment: Digital Logic Design

Write a 3000 words (excluding diagram, chart, table, references and cover letter) report based on research about applications of embedded system in one these areas:-

a) Embedded System in Security
b) Real-Time Embedded System
c) Application in Embedded System to control traffic accident
d) Artificial Intelligent in Embedded System
e) Embedded System to help people with Autism
f) Embedded System for Physical and Cognitive Disabilities

The details should be included in this report are:

• Cover Page must have:

o Course Code and Course Name
o Assignment title

• Table of Content (apply the IEEE style format)

• Content arrangement:

Literature Review (survey the works of other researchers)


- Journals or articles must be taken from year 2011 onwards
- Journals or articles must be retrieved from the IEEE or ACM
- At least 5 papers should be reviewed
- At least 3 existing systems should be reviewed

Abstract (overview and purpose of the research)

Introduction (to the research ideas)

-Introduce the broad context of the research and explain why this is an interesting area to work in

Definition (define all the concepts apply to the project)

-details and clear explanation

Methodology (identify the methodology that will be used in project)

-details and clear explanation

Existing System Analysis (identify pro and cons of the existing system)

-details and clear explanation

Proposal for digital electronic systems

-brief ideas
-team members
-hardware requirements


-Ideas that you gathered and understand while doing this research paper.

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Computer Engineering: Write a 3000 words excluding diagram chart table references
Reference No:- TGS02498426

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