Paper Assignment
Conflict: The struggle which grows out of the interplay of the two opposing forces in a PLOT. It is conflict which provides the elements of interest and suspense in any form of FICTION, whether it be a DRAMA, A NOVEL, or a SHORT STORY. At least one of the opposing forces is usually a person, or, if an animal or an inanimate object, is treated as though it were a person. This person, usually the PROTAGONIST, may be involved in conflicts of four different kinds: (1) he/[she] may struggle against the forces of nature...;(2)...against another person, usually the ANTAGONIST...;(3)...against society as a force...or (4) two elements within him [or her] may struggle for mastery [internal, psychological conflict and turmoil]...A fifth possible kind of conflict is often cited, the struggle against Fate or destiny.... Seldom do we find a simple, single conflict in a PLOT, but rather a complex one partaking of two or even all of the elements given above.
Hibbard, Addison & William Flint Thrall, A Handbook to Literature. Rev. and enlarged C. Hugh Holman. New York: Odyssey Press, 1960.
Write a 3 pages essay (12 point, double space) on the theme of conflict, as defined above, in two readings up to due date of paper on the syllabus. Be sure to specify which of the conflicts above is most relevant to the texts you are writing about.
Do not copy or quote the above definition on your paper, although you may want to paraphrase part(s) of it.