Write a 3 page research paper discussing the important role parents/caregivers play in a child's early learning experiences.
The paper should include the following:
- Introduction paragraph
- Definitions for parental involvement, culture, and family.
- Define culturally relevant pedagogy and Anti-bias teaching and the roles the theories play in the EC classroom.
- Discuss the various challenges some parents/caregivers may face regarding participating in their child's early learning program.
- Discuss 2 strategies teachers can use to help bridge the gap between home and school in order to encourage parent participation.
- Discuss how teachers can offer parents/caregivers opportunities to participate regardless of culture, availability, socioeconomic status, transportation, etc..
- Conclusion paragraph
Cite at least three references on the subject of parent participation and/or parent education in early learning.
The paper must be typed, Times New Roman, Double-spaced, 12 point font. USE APA format and include a reference page- Cite NAEYC, the class textbook, and the three articles.