
Write a 2-page analysis connecting the three theories of

Read the articles by Brink (2014), Johnson (2014), and Kraut (2014) in this week's resources. Summarize the key points of each theory. Does one theory resonate with you more than another? Why or why not?

Brink, D. (2014). Mill's moral and political philosophy. In E. N. Zalta (Ed.), Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy (Fall 2014 ed.). Retrieved from https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/mill-moral-political/
Johnson, R. (2014). Kant's moral philosophy. In E. N. Zalta (Ed.), Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy(Summer 2014 ed.). Retrieved from https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/kant-moral/

Kraut, R. (2014). Aristotle's ethics. In E. N. Zalta (Ed.), Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy (Summer 2014 ed.). Retrieved from https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/aristotle-ethics/

Make connections to your own culture. Consider whether these three theories are reflected in your own culture.

Write a 2-page analysis connecting the three theories of morality to your own cultural identity.

Explain how the theories align or do not align with your cultural identity. Include how cultural identity impacts social responsibility.

Provide at least three references using proper APA format.

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Dissertation: Write a 2-page analysis connecting the three theories of
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