
Write a 15 page paper that includes 7 to 10 specifications

Assignment: Systems specifications and the systems development life cycle

Consider the task of developing an EMR (electronic medical record) for a mid-sized medical practice.

Your task:

Write a 1.5 page paper that includes 7 to 10 specifications for features of a system that will apply the EMR functions to disease managing. These specifications should address functionality of the system (not its hardware requirements).

A well-written specification for a system:

• Must form a complete sentence (not acronyms)
• States a subject and predicate (object).
• Use verbs shall, will or must to show mandatory nature.
• Use verbs should, or may to represent desired or optional features.

Be sure to cite your sources (if any) and make sure your paper is free of spelling and grammar errors.

Tips and requirements

Think of specifications as the requirements for a system at your organization. Even though EHR systems have similiar functions, each organization has unique information needs, and will look for a system that meets them.

Once a facility decides what kind of system is needed, it then develops a document known as the Request for Proposal (RFP). This is the formal statement that describes what the organization is looking for, and is sent to vendors that are selected based on the features they offer. Your Written Assignment is to compose specifications for your organization. Your submission should include:

• 1-2 pages in length
• Paper provides 7 to 10 specifications for features of a system that will apply the EMR functions to disease managing
• Paper addresses the functionality of the system
• Paper adheres to criteria of a well-written specification document as indicated in the assignment.

Article: INTERVIEW- Health Information Technology Is A Vehicle, Not A Destination: A Conversation With David J. Brailer by Arnold Milstein.

Debate- How to successfully select and implement electronic health records (EHR) in small ambulatory practice settings by Nancy M Lorenzi*, Angelina Kouroubali, Don E Detmer and Meryl Bloomrosen.

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Dissertation: Write a 15 page paper that includes 7 to 10 specifications
Reference No:- TGS02485539

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