HRM English Literature Assignment -
Write a 1,200-1,500 word comparison and contrast essay- Compare/Contrast "Eveline" by James Joyce (pages 407-410) and "The Horse Dealer's Daughter" by D.H. Lawrence (page 506-517)
Writing-about-short-stories-and-poetry -write 400-500 words analyzing characterization and point of view in "A&P," "How to Date a Browngirl, Blackgirl, Whitegirl, or Halfie," and "Lust Creative Critical Response and Reflection- Write a one-page response to any short story or poem you've read so far in the course.
Choose a piece you've either enjoyed, found particularly interesting, or have strong feelings about. This won't be a straight analysis of the chosen work, but rather a creative interpretation of the story or poem's plot, characters, language, and themes. After you've written your piece, you'll write a five-paragraph reflection (500-750 words) that defends your creative response. This reflection will explain your creative choices and the ideas you chose to highlight in your creative response
Text Book: Introduction to Literature 10th edition by Michael Meyer Critical-thinking-about-literature-assignment.