
Write a 1000-1300 words essay about adoption in saudi

Assignment Knowledges: Final Research Paper


Your 1000-1,300 words essay (3-5 pages) should meet each of the following content requirements:

(a) write your name, course number and section, date

(b) give your paper a captivating title

(c) create a thesis that focuses your paper

(d) use a minimum of one reliable source from library resources or media like YouTube that supportsyour analysis (remember to seek help from a librarian)

(e) incorporate critical perspectives using the "Questions for Textual Analysis" which are posted on the Moodle site for our class

(f) be double-spaced, in 12-point font with no more than one inch margins all around, free of spelling and grammatical errors, and with an accurate and captivating title

(g) document all primary and secondary sources according to the 8th edition of the Modern Language Association (MLA) method of documentation with parenthetical citations.

Everywhere you quote, paraphrase, or summarize; include a Work(s) Cited page at the end of your paper; if your major requires you to use APA, that is also permissible.

Adoption in Saudi Arabia

I. Introduction (Hook and brief explanation)

II. Guardianship vs Adoption

A. Adoption
B. Guardianship
C. (similarities or what's allowed in Saudi Arabia)
D. Naming conventions

III. Reasons

A. To be a guardian
B. For giving up a child
C. Not to be a guardian

IV. Benefits

A. For parents
B. For children

V. Requirements

A. Requirements to be a guardian
B. Eligibility for child based on age

1. Ages 0-2
2. Ages 2-14
3. Ages 14+

VI. Examples of Differences

VII. Conclusion

A. Reinstating main points

B. Closing statement.

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Term Paper: Write a 1000-1300 words essay about adoption in saudi
Reference No:- TGS02377702

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