Write a 10 pages paper for Biology class but the professor has to approve the article
Must be a peer reviewed article (that I have approved of)
From Pubmed (or other similar scholarly site)
Published within the last 20 years
The report will be a summary and critic of the research.
1% for each page written for up to 10%. (double spaced 12 point font)
Must include a work cited page with a minimum of 5 other articles cited
Must include a scientifically valid critic of paper (i.e. what you would/could have done to improve this research or what are the strengths/weaknesses of this research etc.)
I reserve the right to deny any paper/portion of a paper if it is poorly done (ex. "I think this research is really really really really really really really really good" = 0% added to your grade)
If you cannot possibly write 10 pages on one article you may request to review an additional paper to get you to 10 pages